Sedation Dentistry LP

(830) 217-3992

Conquer Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

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Call Now: (210) 871-8848

Sedation dentistry involves the use of medical sedatives to calm and relax a patient prior to and during a dental procedure. These sedatives work to create a feeling of peace and wellness, specifically for those patients concerned with conscious awareness of sights and sounds involved in dental treatment that make them feel anxious, promoting a comfortable and worry-free appointment.

The benefits of using sedation dentistry include:

  • Patient relaxation
  • Increased comfort
  • Control of gag reflex
  • Little or no recollection of treatment
  • Improved ability to complete multiple treatments in one dental appointment

Sedation makes it far easier for anxious patients to complete treatment that allows them to enjoy a healthier smile.

Boerne Endodontic Associates offers sedation dentistry in Boerne, TX. To schedule an appointment, please fill out the form below or call our dental office today.

Call Now: (210) 871-8848

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Healthy Smiles

What does your smile say about you? Let us help you radiate confidence with a healthy smile.
